Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Writing Course, How To Write Free Writing Style

Hi fellow, just a quick sharing about my last few years ago comprehending how to write articles, essay or any other features. It was organized by my former company in Jakarta, attended by more then 10 fellows. The tutor was one of the best journalist in Indonesia. A seven days course which is too short to swallow all handouts and his experience.

And now i am struggling to remember what and how lesson was? Really hard to recall. After a few minutes then i remember these things below;

Writing is your RIGHT BRAIN WORKS which is not much relate with your left brain, the logic. You wouldn't believe it, would you?

What do you need before writing is A TRIGGER; a music, book, scenic landscape, your story or others, other blogs, and much more. And remember NOT A LOGIC ONE, it is supposed to be related with your right brain; feeling, intuition.

KEEP WRITING and DON'T THINK about the any rules how to write in good. As an adult person, it's common that we have many mental blockages which is often interrupting your brain asking your finger to stop writing then thinking about writing rules. Then any other consequences will arise if your writing is not good, then others won't like it', etc, etc. Then you are really stop writing. So don't think, keep writing, you still have opportunity to edit before publishing.

Basically writing is stopping your LEFT BRAIN works and let your RIGHT BRAIN working.
      That's all for now, give try and have a look what you've done! Have a good day!
      picture source:


      Let's Go International ! said...

      Keep writing !!!!!! Ganbatte !!

      Harry Seenthing said...

      hmmmmm nice

      quinie said...

      lohaaa igo, makasih kunjungannya. hm.. for me, blog is for sharing anything on my mind. just speak up your mind and people will know what you want :)

      harry seenthing said...

      makasih saran dan petunjuknya mas, blog bisa merupakan anything dan mungkin something.... thanks

      Darin said...

      right :D
      as my friend said: my blog, my rules.
      so it's almost unlogic. Nice post what Ive had here!

      jojo said...

      Great advice. I love it. Thank you for blogging this. I will visit this site often to get more writing tips.

      NENSA MOON said...

      Hello Igo,
      Just followed you back as well.
      Thx for visit and comment on my blog.

      You have a nice blog here.
      Great on writing.
      Really love the way u write... very interesting clear.

      Arus Rasyid said...

      Awalnya saya buka blog ini dari pengikut blok teman saya. Land of Oase... nama yang indah sekali. Pas diklik, isinya antara lain menyangkut cara-cara menulis. Ini menarik, karena saya memang sedang terus belajar meningkatkan kwalitas tulisan, baik isi maupun penuturannya. Makanya saya merasa, saya harus mengikuti Land of Oase, sekalipun bahasa inggris saya belepotan.
      Lalu ketika saya buka e-mail, ya Allah, Land of Oase teh geuning baraya. Alhamdulillah urang tiasa tepang nya.
      Nuhun Kang kana komentarna.

      Multibrand said...

      Hello friend,
      Thank you for following my blog on Google Friend Connect. I have followed your interesting blog too. Let's keep in touch.

      Land of Oase said...

      quinie: lohaaa quinie thanks sis for visit..., happy to have you here...
      hari seenthing: thanks bro for visit... i got many idea from your site... thanks for guide to seen behind something... really useful

      Land of Oase said...

      Darin: thanks bro for visit. yea... my blog is my rule... beauty
      Jojo: I visit your blog.. then i found many useful information, now i am thinking to go there
      Nensa: thanks mum!
      JengSri: thanks sis for visit and advice, now i say to myself: "this is the beauty of bloggerhood..."
      Kang Rasyid: Yes Kang... this is Baraya... such a big happiness to have you here with similar background (kampung maksud saya)... Salam sono ti nagari Kangguru...


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