Thursday, July 22, 2010

The 2010 FeNaCING Festival, a world unique festival

What kind of festive? Well, here is the tale; It has come long way since it was first held in 1972. The Dampier Lions Club was established in 1970 and two years later started a community festival for local resident. It didn't take long before it started attracting huge numbers from all over state and has even brought people from the other side of Australia.

The festival's unusual name was derived from Dampier's two main industries, iron - Fe and salt - NaCl but was changed from Feenackle to FeNaCl in 1973 to reflect a correct scientific symbols.

Main attractions during the early years included 37 local stalls, a chocolate wheel and good old-fashioned family entertainment. All people who are usually busy in their own business, now unite in big happiness, one in a year.

In 1985, the festival underwent another name change, this time to reflect partnership with Woodside and third industry, natural gas. Imagine if hundred company gathered, how sophisticated the festival name will be? hmmm...

The FeNaClNG festival has been one of the longest running festivals int the history of shire. Its popularity peaked in 2006 with more than 40.000 people walking trough the gates but only time will tell if the attendance record will be broken at this year's festival, 31 July and 1 August 2010.

The festival may have changed over its 38 years but one thin remains the same, everyone comes together to enjoy a fantastic festival which entertains and raises money for community.

No need to say sorry, be there or here for the next post for great pictures.


Anonymous said...

Bos..itu festifal kalau di solo pasti aku akan nonton

Land of Oase said...

thenakulo: hohohohoho... dijamin masih rame Sekaten boss hahaha... aseli... aku di festival ini baru akan ngalamin... mudah2an belum keburu liburan...

Iskandar Dzulkarnain said...

saya hanya bisa bermimpi di Indonesia ada festival seperti itu :D

Land of Oase said...

bung John: di Jakarta ada Jakarta Fair, Festival Kemang, dan 17-an hehehe... sama rame-nya kok... jangan sedih hiks..hiks... hahah...

cHugy - gOgOg said...

Kunjungan malam Brader....!!!
Bakal seru ni vestifal kayanya....Ane langsung ke TKP dah Naek OJEG heheheeee...Tngguing banG ya.

Land of Oase said...
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Land of Oase said...

Chugy: ayo ditunggu.... biar saya yang ganti ongkos ojek-nya hahaha... kalo mau lebih lama dan pake nyasar2 dulu, bisa naek getek tuh bro... haahahaha...

Suratman Adi said...

Di festival ini ada bakul pecel ama lontong pa gak ya...

Faisal Hilmi said...

I like fenacing-festival, but I not money and now I in Indonesia.

NENSA MOON said...

Ntu festival namanye FeNaCING, Fe=ferrum, iron.. Na=natrium, salt.... CING=...??? opo toh.. bukan cing cang keling kan..?!! heheeh..

hey Go, dont forget to show us the great pics as you promise!!
I'll be here for the next post..

Hatur nuhun, mangga sadayana...!!

Anonymous said...

mawyu donk hadir!

Darin said...

Kalau di Solo baru mulai tuh festival Batik tiap tahun. Yah, lebih baik terlambat daripada sama sekali ya :)

Anyway, mungkin ini yg namanya kontinuitas sebuah kultur. Memang agak berat bagi kita yg pernah terjajah. Ada pendapat yg lain? :)

Unknown said...

The annual festival is very interesting. This festival is entertainment for us all and very waited. Thanks for your info.

Land of Oase said...

Wong Sikampuh: hahaha... jadi kepikiran... mungkin saya akan juwalan pecel hehehe... thanks
Faisal: come and visit...
Nensa: NaCl= natrium chlorida, NG=natural gas kali alias gas alam, tapi tidak termasuk hit*t, bau eta mah hahah...
remajaberperan: came on!
Darin: setuju bro... di jember jga ada fashion carnival... jadi komunitas sendiri yang bangun... dengan modal sendiri...
Herdoni: thanks bro for visit and drop by..


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