Last 2 days ago i got a mail which was sent to my house from Google, hhmmm... what is inside? I believe this question also would come up in your mind, specially when monetize your blog or website to google or else. Then... "money? no!", "money? no!" "money?, too early to for that". "But it is possible!". "Yup, but it's too early, i know how much money i got in average for a day...". Funny!
And finally here is what i got;
You already know that Google Adsense allow you to earn money from showing relevant ads on your website. But if you'd like to drive more visitors to your website, and you've never tried advertising on google, they'd like to give you this special offer: A free $50.00 voucher to promote you site with Google AdWords.
Google AdWords allows you to promote your site on as well as on the Google content network. If you advertise on, you can choose which keywords are relevant to your business, and AdWords whill show your ads when prospective visitors search for those words or phrases.
I don't know how long this offer will be valid, but if you think about increasing visitors without any money to spend, this is a great opportunity.
Once you open the account through this link, then you will earn $50.00 free trial advertising on Google AdWords. It is not only for me, but for you too. Just try it! Good Luck!
kabar menyenangkan
Kunjungan pagi di hari minggu yang indah....!!!
Selamat bro, pasti menyenangkan dpat duit dari google adsense :) Nice to be here again :)
thenakulo: thanks mate, try it, you will have $50 also...
cHuggy: thanks mate, u r always welcome...
Gaelby: it's not real money, you can also get one, just make an account on the link above... good luck!
google not yet approve..heehee
Succes bos...Keep spirit..I follow your blogs..Visit me again
thenakulo: hohohoho... sabar bro... mungkin bentar lagi approved... amiiinnn..., btw blog yang mana nih bro yg di-apply k Google Adsense?
Wong Sikampuh: success juga bro... i follow you back...
wah selamat ya, jadi pengen ikutan juga nih
wow amazing, alike it. who do not want to try?
Kira-kira kapan ya gw dapet ya
Rejeki yang gak diduga-duga itu namanya. Selamat ya. Saya pun jadi pengen coba.
So... the 50 bucks from ggl was a free voucher...?!
I just wonder... could u cashed it Go...?!hehe..
mixedfresh: thanks mate, google said: everybody is welcome. You can try, but also please read carefully all the requirement provide by google
faisalhilmi: not really amazing bro, but thanks.
oding: one you sign up then you get it. thanks kawan for visit.
arusrasyid: mangga cobian kang... mamanawian we... mung tawis emut, kedah dibaca heula persyaratan2 ti google, bilih lepat tapsir, maklum b inggris sim kuring kirang sae.
nensa: iya Ceu, free voucher, haratis... tis... sayang ga bisa diuangkan hehee... kalo mau coba... harus diperhatikan kalo voucher-nya sudah habis google akan tanya mau dilanjut apa ngga? kalo dilanjut... ya tentunya harus bayar... jangan sampe mau untung malah buntung heheheh... nuhun Ceu ah tos kersa lumampah ka tempat abdi...
wow, keren sobat !
gimana nih caranya pgn ikut nyoba euy!
Tampilan baru di blog Lond Of oase.
Lebih seger dan fres ... happy blogging. bpz.
A fortune and attention, has received a letter from Google AdWords. Quotes and this information is very interesting. Thanks for your info.
Berkunjung lagi ntuk update kawan. Salam sobat :)
pengen ikut juga
tapi aku daftar AdSense 3x selalu tertolak
malangnya diriku
**salam kenal**
Penghuni60: gampang sob... klik link di postingan ini aja, ikutin instruksinya hehehe...
Chugy: Makasih sob... seger seperti yang punya wkwkwkwwkwk...
Herdoni: thanks mate for visit... you can also try your fortune
Gaelby: thanks for visit...
John: sama gan... saya juga pernah ditolak sekali, google bilang bahasa yang digunakan (b. Indonesia) tidak dikenal katanya... sembarangan... semprul tuh google heheh... salam kenal juga gan... saya udah berkunjung ke blog mu dan tinggal kan jejak disana
sukses y
salam hangat dari blue
kalo google sudah insaf sy mau ikut... ayeuna mah sombong keneh ggl teh tdk menerima b indonesia, apalagi blog sunda ... moal direret-reret acan...
wilujeng saum kang....
I would like to exchange links with your site
Is this possible?
I would like to exchange links with your site
Is this possible?
To Anonymous guy: with my pleasure, please leave your link, then i will exchange it. thanks mate!
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